Thursday, January 4, 2024

Illumination of the World 30/3

Ascended Master Jesus illuminates the world

Illuminate the World 30/3

This has to be the brightest of energies and I urge you to capture this moment.  

Deep within your soul there is an urging to embrace right power that never lets you down. 
This is the power of your spiritual self; the master of perfecting the mind, the unifier of ego and higher mind. There is a blending and now and again you feel it and you "know" it.  Be the balance of the mind.  Step aside from the chatter and be still.  Illumination is awaiting you and you can glimpse that now.

Vibration Yellow
Yellow is the colour for now and the only other colour you should contemplate would be white.  

This is a most brilliant opportunity for you.

Close your eyes and stand outside in front of the sun.

Allow the brilliance of the sun shine upon you and enjoy........ 

Yellow ~ Oh Happy Day!

Daily Affirmation:
From the core of my soul I am and always will be in alignment with my purpose.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this, ChristinA!! I needed this 🤗💖


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