Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Mission of the Masters 39/3

Colour a day vibration yellow

Mission of the Masters

Numerology Vibration 39/3

You are given the opportunity to bring greater balance between the lower mind and the higher self, bringing balance to your personal power centre so you are able to express more joy. This is the perfect environment for awakening more fully to your soul’s mission in life.  

This energy is very much about our mission as the awakened Christ.;  the new human who embodies the Christ Consciousness and awakens to the Christ within.  What a powerful vibration!

The Ascended Masters surround us and support us with our missions.

Colours of 39/3

It's actually a yellow gold vibration; so much Universal intelligence right here waiting for you to tap into it!

39/3 affirmation

I invoke the Light of Christ Consciousness in me, I am a clear and perfect channel for Divine Wisdom and I walk in surety on my mission.

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