Thursday, July 25, 2024

To Mine Own Self Be Transformed 58/13

58:13 Vibration

To Mine Own Self be Transformed

58/13 Numerology Vibration

Ruby Gold brings transformation and integration of our divine masculine and feminine shines forth when we embrace the infinite truth of our greater Being.  

When you see this combination of numbers, you have the opportunity with the support of our Infinite Universe and all the master's in it to say yes to integration of all aspects of our Self.  Dissolve the remnants of imbalance and awaken to the mysteries beyond the known.

Ruby Gold vibrates to  number 13 

Ruby Gold as the vibration of 13 is not to be feared but rather to be embraced as the frequency that can indeed open us to transformation.  

Maybe a part of you needs to die off because that part of you is no longer of service.  Dying off to the old when you embrace the greater aspects of your real, true and authentic Self. 

Go into the nothingness; into the silence and touch the divine in you.

When you come back know that you have indeed been transformed.

Colours to help you are the 

  • blues of truth 
  • magenta frequencies of the infinite realms and forgiveness and unconditional love
  • and glorious ruby gold of the transformed and higher octave of the creative chakra.

Affirmation for Ruby Gold

Infinite Truth within me, Infinite Truth surround me, Infinite Truth through me, I Am God within mine own Self.

Transform your Life with Colour Here!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Cross of Honour 57/3

Lord Lanto Hierarch of the Second Yellow Ray by Marius Michael George
Lord Lanto of the Yellow Ray

The Cross of Honour 57/3

This energy brings us the tests of discernment through the yellow ray.  Sometimes we find it hard to walk and talk our truth, trusting that we will not be harmed in the process.  Often that stems from our experiences in past lives and we are faced with it again in this life until we are able to come totally into our Divine Power and trust that we are not going to be harmed and that in fact we can do not just ourselves a disservice by not walking and talking our truth but we also do others a disservice.  There is nothing beautiful about hiding our inner shine!

Take a breath, trust in your truth and let that shine forth like a yellow beacon unafraid to show your brilliance.  If you can live an open and truthful life you will become more tolerant and sympathetic toward others and in a world where everyone lives an open and honest life we will most certainly be living in brilliance of light, of love and we will most certainly be expressing our Souls desire.

Colours of 57/3

The colours that are going to guide you with this vibration are blue, violet and in total, Yellow.

57/3 Affirmation

I express my truth through my inner knowing and I shine that inner light wherever I go.

Intuitive Soul Readings

I connect with your on an energetic level and am able align with what is happening with your on an energetic level.  I can see the health of your energetic field and guide you on your spiritual path.  I see visions that give clarity on what is happening for you.  All my visions and insights are connected to your highest spiritual direction.  I do not predict the future or give outcomes.  I guide and support you to awaken to ever expanding heights of consciousness and help you to develop, balance and come into full union with your masculine and feminine aspects so you can awaken to your full potential.
I "see", I "hear", I "feel".

Saturday, July 13, 2024

New Beginnings in Love 46/10

heavenly garden with lovers
46/10 New Beginnings in Love

46/10 New Beginnings in Love

Love!  All you need is love! A great energy for relationships and unions of love. What beautiful new beginnings.  If you are in the mood for romance then this would be a good time to embrace it.  But on an energetic level, I suggest simply surrendering to the Love vibration and tap into the energies available.  Everyone can feel in love under this vibration and why not call in all the lost fragments of Self and when they do come in feel the bliss of the union of love as you integrate them.  Harmonising with green and sincerity of indigo lead you blissfully into new beginnings with red.

Affirmation for 46/10
Love is all around me, within me and shines forth from me, I  Am Love

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Master 44 and Thoth God of Wisdom

Day vibration Master 44 and Thoth
This image was taken in the night skies on the Nile in Egypt when we were working with the energies of Thoth.  It is the orb consciousness of the Ibis (Thoth)

Thoth God of Wisdom

44 Numerology Vibration

The wisdom of Thoth, Scribe of the Gods is awakening in us the desire to go within to seek our answers.  This vibration connects us to the Higher Mind/Universal Mind and the moon and our intuitive self; this is a very powerful vibration.  

Watch your thoughts and notice those thoughts that keep just popping in as they are messages that you should take notice of.  

Your ability to reach for guidance from your Higher Self is very much closer to you now as the Master Thoth beckons you to listen.

Colours of 44

The colour for 44 is white.  White holds all vibrations and all the wisdoms and so, it offers us the purity of a clear mind in readiness for our pure intuition to come to us.    

44 Affirmation
I am at one with the Universal Mind and the Wisdom of the Universe comes to me easily.

Awaken the Higher Heart

If you would like to awaken to Higher Mind, Higher Heart please join us in the LUXOR Light Ascension program LUXOR Light Ascension

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Love Vibration 42/6

Numerology 42/6

42/6 The Love Vibration
This is the Love Vibration, so shower as much love as you can upon your loved ones and be willing to allow them to shower it upon you! It's about family too, so hold your left hand upon your heart and your left hand just below the navel and place a smile on your face and breathe deep and think of your family.  Just let go and surrender to Love, let it flow in, you will see who your true family is if you surrender to the experience and allow the love to flow.  

Colours of 42/6 Vibration

Indigo is the vibration that rules 42/6, but to embrace the harmony of embracing relationships green and orange will lovingly guide you into the depths of Indigo.

42/6 Affirmation
I create family wherever I go by the love that I so willingly let flow.


The journey to Self-love is a journey of dedication, devotion and commitment to you, to your self.  You are the Beloved, the divine feminine and the divine masculine and the coming together in harmony within you first is the journey. Come and find yourself on a journey of discovering you and Awaken to the Great Love within..... 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Liberation and Freedom 41/5

Image result for spiritual blue

Liberation and Freedom

Day Vibration 41/5

Liberation and Freedom are yours and healing to your physical body brings you a sense of peace and harmony!  Today's vibration is filled with a sense of peace when your heart is open and your intentions are to share your love with others, expressing your truth with confidence.  

Colours of the Day

Take time in nature allowing healing and balance into your physical body and surround yourself with green, a tiny bit of red and an awesome splash of Blue!

Daily Affirmation
I Am in perfect health and my heart and body work in perfect harmony with each other.  Peace is the vibration that flows through my veins and I am totally liberated from pain and suffering.

Are you feeling ready for change but can't seem to connect with the feeling of self-love?  Connect with me and I can help you understand what is going on in your own energy field and help you can shift into the heart space, so you can accept the changes and move forward.  It's a learning journey, and understanding is the Key.  I look forward to helping you!

Infinite Blessings


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

36/9 Balancing the Mind Grid

Pure Mind

Balancing the Mind Grid

Energies for Universal number 36/9

I love this vibration!  It's all about mind!  

You are given the opportunity to work in alignment with perfect balance between ego mind and intuitive mind and if you can bring the pure intuition through your conscious mind without any attachment to ego to control it, then you have tapped into the Universal Mind bank; that will bring through pure wisdom!  

Can you, do it? Don't worry if you can't, the aim here is to be aware of your ego.  Be aware of your intuitive mind talking to you and be fully conscious that there is a huge bank of awesome Universal Wisdom just waiting to find it's way through to you.  Take note of your dreams, take note of the messages in your meditations, take note of the little thoughts that pop in out of nowhere!  You are receiving wisdom from that part of you that knows All!  

So what is that 9 cycle wanting you to let go of?  It wants you to let go of the ego, let go, let go, let go.  

Colours of 36/9

Yellow helps you find clarity, indigo allows you to see the depth of what it wants you to know and Gold is your treasure chest of wisdom just waiting to be unlocked!

Affirmation for 36/9:
I Am perfectly aligned with the All Knowing, All Seeing Eye of God, I Am

Are you ready for the Ascension and the Return to Love?