Friday, October 25, 2024

Finding Sacred Relationship 61/7

Image result for divine relationship indigo red and violet
Divine Relationship with Self 61/7

Finding Sacred Relationship with Self

What are your thoughts and intentions around relationship?  Have you ever really given it serious thought, or are you caught up in what things should be like?  Have you ever thought that there is a process, a divine process that needs to take place, a trust, an inner Knowing that should be followed?  Have you ever allowed relationship to truly find you instead of you trying to find relationship?  If you are seeing these numbers, this is what these energies want you to look at.

Look at the divine gift you have been given, be it love relationship or family even and most importantly with your Self.  Your thoughts will always govern how the relationship flows because when we ask of the divine, we get what we ask for, so if we are always in negative thought, or controlling thought, or holier than thou thought, that is exactly what we will attract.

These energies want you to go beyond the thought process and connect with the true essence of the flow within relationships.  All relationships are sent to help us learn about ourselves.  This combination of numbers asks us to look at our connection in relationships and in particular look at the relationship with your father and step it up and look at your relationship with God and your true divine spark that ignites the God connection in you.

Can you see who you are through the reflection of the one standing in front of you?

Colours of 61/7 (617)

To work the energy of this vibration, the overall colour is Violet, but within that you need to go deep into introspection with indigo and add a tiny dash of red to be sure you are awake and present with what you are doing.  The violet will take you into the mystery and allow you to connect with your higher self...

Affirmation to help you.

I Am fully present within my relationships, and I lovingly witness the divine within me and the divine within the connection I have with others.  I see and therefore I Am.

Ascension with LUXOR Light

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Universal Number 60/6 Indigo Divine Mind

angel in indigo and white
Indigo activates Divine Mind

Universal Number 60/6 

The Universal number 60/6 suggests there is something moving within you.  A new location, a new home, something is calling you. This is a in alignment with your spiritual desires.  Listen to you intuition here because it is speaking clearly to you. Spend time around your spiritual family which is not necessarily your birth family. This is a time of love and a meeting of minds.  

Being around like-minded friends is the message with this vibration because you will receive inspiration from each other as your minds link into the higher self. 

This is a love vibration but at another level.  This is a more spiritual union not of karmic connections but more at the mind level where companionship is more important than physical relationship.  Great missions can be accomplished under this vibration.

Indigo Divine Mind

The colours to help you tap into this vibration are indigo and white with indigo the overall theme. Indigo invites in the Divine mind.

Affirmation for Divine Connection

I call forth my divine companion at the level of the mind grid.  Our coming together is imminent and our mission begins.  And so, it is.

Twin Flame

This is a Twin Flame vibration, so be sure to use the affirmation to help call in your Twin Flame or Divine Counterpart/ascending partner and please do let me know how you feel when you use this one.  Write it on a piece of paper and learn it off by heart and recite as often as you can and let the magic happen! 

Image from 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

59/5 Bringing Divine Changes

59/5 numerology and Serapis Bey bringing Change

Divine Changes

Vibration 59/5
Seeing 59/5 or 595 signifies that you are in harmony with the universe, and divine changes are unfolding. Divine travel may also be possible, indicating the start of profound inner journeys. 

Under this influence, there may be a tendency to make impulsive decisions. It is advisable to welcome this sense of joy yet pause and connect with your inner truth before acting hastily.

All is well-arranged; maintain tranquility and let the natural course of events flow toward you. Consider your path carefully before proceeding, and then fully accept the transformations that are occurring.

Colours of 59/5

Blue and Gold are the vibrations of this vibration.

Affirmation for 59/5

I am in the Divine Flow embracing the change, communicating my truth with peace and Grace.

Colour Therapy Self-Healing Course just click here


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

To Mine Own Self Be Transformed 58/13

58:13 Vibration

To Mine Own Self be Transformed

58/13 Numerology Vibration

Ruby Gold brings transformation and integration of our divine masculine and feminine shines forth when we embrace the infinite truth of our greater Being.  

When you see this combination of numbers, you have the opportunity with the support of our Infinite Universe and all the master's in it to say yes to integration of all aspects of our Self.  Dissolve the remnants of imbalance and awaken to the mysteries beyond the known.

Ruby Gold vibrates to  number 13 

Ruby Gold as the vibration of 13 is not to be feared but rather to be embraced as the frequency that can indeed open us to transformation.  

Maybe a part of you needs to die off because that part of you is no longer of service.  Dying off to the old when you embrace the greater aspects of your real, true and authentic Self. 

Go into the nothingness; into the silence and touch the divine in you.

When you come back know that you have indeed been transformed.

Colours to help you are the 

  • blues of truth 
  • magenta frequencies of the infinite realms and forgiveness and unconditional love
  • and glorious ruby gold of the transformed and higher octave of the creative chakra.

Affirmation for Ruby Gold

Infinite Truth within me, Infinite Truth surround me, Infinite Truth through me, I Am God within mine own Self.

Transform your Life with Colour Here!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Master 44 and Thoth God of Wisdom

Day vibration Master 44 and Thoth
This image was taken in the night skies on the Nile in Egypt when we were working with the energies of Thoth.  It is the orb consciousness of the Ibis (Thoth)

Thoth God of Wisdom

44 Numerology Vibration

The wisdom of Thoth, Scribe of the Gods is awakening in us the desire to go within to seek our answers.  This vibration connects us to the Higher Mind/Universal Mind and the moon and our intuitive self; this is a very powerful vibration.  

Watch your thoughts and notice those thoughts that keep just popping in as they are messages that you should take notice of.  

Your ability to reach for guidance from your Higher Self is very much closer to you now as the Master Thoth beckons you to listen.

Colours of 44

The colour for 44 is white.  White holds all vibrations and all the wisdoms and so, it offers us the purity of a clear mind in readiness for our pure intuition to come to us.    

44 Affirmation
I am at one with the Universal Mind and the Wisdom of the Universe comes to me easily.

Awaken the Higher Heart

If you would like to awaken to Higher Mind, Higher Heart please join us in the LUXOR Light Ascension program LUXOR Light Ascension

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Love I Am


twin flames in the Heavens
64/10 Love I Am

64/10 Love I Am

This is a very high love vibration.  It brings visions of the heart.  Visualise what you want from a space of love and beam that out to the world to bring new beginnings.  This is the vibration of the Leader of Love, the one who knows that leading with love will bring the ultimate world we all so desire.  See with the eyes of love and you will feel the love.  Feel the love and all you will see is love... this is the vibration of a perfect world, a world of Love!  This vibration comes about when there is balance and harmony with the masculine and feminine within, the sacred and divine marriage of opposites!  

See, feel and think Love!

This is a Vibration of New Beginnings!


Indigo for accessing the deep mystery, green for balance and harmony and red for initiating and sharing that love out into the world.  This is the ultimate vibration for feel secure and centred in a world where love is the goal of all of us!


I see, I think, I feel Love all around me.  I project that love out into the world and walk as the leader I Am bringing Love, sharing love, knowing love, feeling love... Love I Am  

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Wisdom Consciousness

indigo, yellow and gold
Image found

Wisdom Consciousness 63/9

Wisdom comes when you look deeper within, and feel into your own sense of personal power.  Learn to read your own energy field by feeling into it.  

Relationship, insights. growing in personal power and shining your light out to the world, that is what this energy is all about.  We are asked to tap into the Universal bank of wisdom especially when it comes to relationships and loved ones.  We are asked to feel deep into our power centre and learn to listen to what it speaks to us.   

Let go of all the old thinking patterns and outworn ideas.  This vibration asks us to align firstly with our intuition, it asks us to let intuition guide your ego centred self.  It asks you to have a relationship of true wisdom with your own mind.  Align the minds, this is the key, listen to intuition, let it feed down into your mind and then you will come into a place of higher knowing.  Follow that wisdom, let go of the mind and embrace the Great Mind of the Creator. 

Colours to help you integrate these energies

Indigo, for knowing and deep mystery of what lies within.  Yellow, for bringing clarity to all and joy of seeing all things clearly.  And finally the overall colour is Gold, for knowing when to let go, when to totally surrender to the Universal Bank of True Wisdom.


I Am all seeing and all knowing, I see all things with clarity and I express my Joyful self with the Infinite Wisdom of Universal Consciousness.