Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Master 44 and Thoth God of Wisdom

Day vibration Master 44 and Thoth
This image was taken in the night skies on the Nile in Egypt when we were working with the energies of Thoth.  It is the orb consciousness of the Ibis (Thoth)

Thoth God of Wisdom

44 Numerology Vibration

The wisdom of Thoth, Scribe of the Gods is awakening in us the desire to go within to seek our answers.  This vibration connects us to the Higher Mind/Universal Mind and the moon and our intuitive self; this is a very powerful vibration.  

Watch your thoughts and notice those thoughts that keep just popping in as they are messages that you should take notice of.  

Your ability to reach for guidance from your Higher Self is very much closer to you now as the Master Thoth beckons you to listen.

Colours of 44

The colour for 44 is white.  White holds all vibrations and all the wisdoms and so, it offers us the purity of a clear mind in readiness for our pure intuition to come to us.    

44 Affirmation
I am at one with the Universal Mind and the Wisdom of the Universe comes to me easily.

Awaken the Higher Heart

If you would like to awaken to Higher Mind, Higher Heart please join us in the LUXOR Light Ascension program LUXOR Light Ascension

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Love I Am


twin flames in the Heavens
64/10 Love I Am

64/10 Love I Am

This is a very high love vibration.  It brings visions of the heart.  Visualise what you want from a space of love and beam that out to the world to bring new beginnings.  This is the vibration of the Leader of Love, the one who knows that leading with love will bring the ultimate world we all so desire.  See with the eyes of love and you will feel the love.  Feel the love and all you will see is love... this is the vibration of a perfect world, a world of Love!  This vibration comes about when there is balance and harmony with the masculine and feminine within, the sacred and divine marriage of opposites!  

See, feel and think Love!

This is a Vibration of New Beginnings!


Indigo for accessing the deep mystery, green for balance and harmony and red for initiating and sharing that love out into the world.  This is the ultimate vibration for feel secure and centred in a world where love is the goal of all of us!


I see, I think, I feel Love all around me.  I project that love out into the world and walk as the leader I Am bringing Love, sharing love, knowing love, feeling love... Love I Am 


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Wisdom Consciousness

indigo, yellow and gold
Image found https://visionflow2013.com/2013/09/05/patience-love-time/

Wisdom Consciousness 63/9

Wisdom comes when you look deeper within, and feel into your own sense of personal power.  Learn to read your own energy field by feeling into it.  

Relationship, insights. growing in personal power and shining your light out to the world, that is what this energy is all about.  We are asked to tap into the Universal bank of wisdom especially when it comes to relationships and loved ones.  We are asked to feel deep into our power centre and learn to listen to what it speaks to us.   

Let go of all the old thinking patterns and outworn ideas.  This vibration asks us to align firstly with our intuition, it asks us to let intuition guide your ego centred self.  It asks you to have a relationship of true wisdom with your own mind.  Align the minds, this is the key, listen to intuition, let it feed down into your mind and then you will come into a place of higher knowing.  Follow that wisdom, let go of the mind and embrace the Great Mind of the Creator. 

Colours to help you integrate these energies

Indigo, for knowing and deep mystery of what lies within.  Yellow, for bringing clarity to all and joy of seeing all things clearly.  And finally the overall colour is Gold, for knowing when to let go, when to totally surrender to the Universal Bank of True Wisdom.


I Am all seeing and all knowing, I see all things with clarity and I express my Joyful self with the Infinite Wisdom of Universal Consciousness.

Friday, September 27, 2024

62/8 Sacred Union

Image result for indigo, orange magenta twin soul

Sacred Union Energies of 62/8

You are being showered with the combined energies of Heaven and Earth in harmony with each other.  This brings relationships into harmony and helps to activate the Heavenly sent unconditional energies of our infinite universe.

There is so much offered here as you are given the opportunity to say goodbye to karmic situations that no longer serve you, because you have finally understood the meaning of forgiveness that in turn begins to awaken unconditional love.

You have gained an understanding of the greater purpose and mission of what incarnating is all about.  This is such an exciting energy and can be overwhelming as you embrace the love of your Higher Self, your Guides and all enlightened beings that work along side you.  This, is a true gift of awakening to what lies at the core of who you are.

This vibration is Sacred Union bringing Realisation of the Truth of who we are.

The Colours

The colour vibrations being showered you are Indigo for realisation and deep awakening and awareness.  Orange for harmony, joy of the soul and a meeting place of energies that activate doing with clarity.  And the magnificent Magenta bringing Heaven and Earth together.  Here we have the strength of our physicality and the blessing of our Heavenly self coming into union.  Unconditional love and forgiveness abounds!


I "see" all things as a symphony of joy and harmony and I feel my inner being dancing with the whole of the Universe.  I Am in perfect balance and harmony with both Heaven and Earth and a love that knows no bounds sings within my every cell.  I Am at One with the Infinite Love of the All.... Amen

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

59/5 Bringing Divine Changes

59/5 numerology and Serapis Bey bringing Change

Divine Changes

Vibration 59/5
Seeing 59/5 or 595 signifies that you are in harmony with the universe, and divine changes are unfolding. Divine travel may also be possible, indicating the start of profound inner journeys. 

Under this influence, there may be a tendency to make impulsive decisions. It is advisable to welcome this sense of joy yet pause and connect with your inner truth before acting hastily.

All is well-arranged; maintain tranquility and let the natural course of events flow toward you. Consider your path carefully before proceeding, and then fully accept the transformations that are occurring.

Colours of 59/5

Blue and Gold are the vibrations of this vibration.

Affirmation for 59/5

I am in the Divine Flow embracing the change, communicating my truth with peace and Grace.

Colour Therapy Self-Healing Course just click here


Saturday, September 21, 2024

In You I See Me 56/11

The perfected Hu-Man

56/11 Vibration

The  Healer
This energy brings balance and harmony.  It allows you to see all things through the eyes of truth and insights are highly likely with this very refined frequency.  We have the opportunity to open and access our perfect intuition with balance into our perfect nature; perfected man as represented by the DaVinci man.  

The expression of truth, the vision of truth and the embracing of no fear.  The ultimate mirror is yours now and you are asked to see the bigger picture.  See that which you came to do, you are spirit on earth, but you must set your roots and hold that divine spirit in place.  And to do that you must first climb and when you have climbed you must then come back and anchor that expression on Earth.  

Colours 56/11

The higher expressions involved in assisting you with this ultimate aim are blue, indigo and Green bringing balance and harmony as you move into your true nature.

Affirmation for 56/11 Vibration
I am balanced on all levels, I penetrate to the truth, I am Truth, I see you in me and I embrace all in Oneness.

Visionary Readings/Healings

A visionary healing with ChristinA brings you a full report of what is happening in your energy field as well as a symbolic visionary reading/guidance

Becoming the Master Healer

If you would like to become a Master Healer with Colour Therapy, you can begin your own healing process and learn more about colour and how to live the energies in our Colour Therapy Level One and if you choose you can complete the whole course to become a Colour Therapist.  Follow this Link to find out how

Balancing Masculine and Feminine

Moving toward a higher consciousness begins with developing masculine and feminine balance within within each and every one of our chakras.  This is naturally a journey that each of us takes.  For those on a conscious spiritual path it is faster than for those who are not.  But how can you "consciously" do this and help the healing and therefore development accelerate?  That is exactly what the LUXOR Light Ascension Program is designed to do.  It is not just a meditation healing program, but it is a transference of energies that support this exact process.  This is a journey and with the support of the LUXOR Light frequencies, which are directly distributed to us from Sirius, the home of the ascension, we are able to harness a series of energies within a particular system of Self-Healing directed toward Self-Love and not only develop the masculine and feminine in the higher degree, but bring them into balance and in turn into full union.  In time you are able to fully connect with your Twin Soul at the level of the tenth dimension and that then amplifies your journey further.  As all chakras then begin to embody a higher consciousness, we draw to us the perfect experiences and opportunities that enable us to embark upon our Soul's mission that we incarnated to do.  The magnetism toward your divine counterpart is also a natural progression of this program. #twinflames 

If you would like to learn awaken to a greater degree and learn more, please connect with me www.luxorlightascension.com/ascension-program

Friday, September 20, 2024

Master Vibration 55/10

showing colours of lilac for numerology 55

Numerology 55/10: Embracing the Changes

This vibration is of a high frequency, resonating with a lilac light. It suggests transformative changes, inviting you to experience feelings of freedom and liberation. You have the potential to connect with the divine, where all things become possible. Embrace this vibration today; it may launch you on a journey of significant and joyous transformation. Embrace the change without fear, accept this gift, and ascend with the angels on the wings of change.

Pause for a moment, close your eyes, and envision a delicate mist of lilac enveloping you... and affirm the words below...

Affirmation for 55/10:
I am liberated by my wings, I embody peace, I am boundless, I am the expansive expression of the Infinite Universe itself.

Colour Therapy Course

 Begin your healing with colour and learn how to become a colour therapist.  Just click anywhere here.